Pacific Response

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Your Proactive Security Provider

Always report suspicious activity by calling Pacifc Response.
If you have a life threatening emergency call 911 before calling Pacific Response!

Vehicle Safety 

Remove all valuables from your car when entering your home, gym, or retail center and assure doors and trunks are properly locked/secured. Even if only for a short period of time. While shopping, lock all purchases and/or valuables in your truck prior to arriving at your destination. If possible, move vehicle after dropping off large packages in your car at shopping malls, ETC.
Apartment/Home Safety

Keep doorsand windows locked and valuables out of sight and off bottom floor patios to discourage prowlers and thieves. Move all bikes, toys, and other valuables off patio and into locking storage areas. Keeps blinds closed and a light on inside the residence when possible. 

Vacation Safety

Let your apartment or neighbors know if you plan to be out of your home for an extended period (more then a few day) To avoid frozen pipes during the winter, adjust thermostat to at least 65 degrees at all times, as well as leaving cabinet doors open and under sinks.